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Originally Posted by zszabo View Post
Still trying to figure out how to incorporate changes (usually done using make menuconfig) which are used to build the final kernel image. Is there a comprehensive wiki that contains this information, specific to Harmattan/Meego? I did figure out how to get make menuconfig to run, but a) I'm not sure the default configuration is the same as what goes into the actual kernel image (and, needless to say, I'm not entirely comfortable with flashing a kernel image that may brick my N9); b) either a number of settings are missing, or configured elsewhere (for example, how would I modify the settings for Netfilter?).
From thread:

Build Kernel:
First install Harmattan Platform SDK and download the kernel source with “apt-get source kernel".
then build kernel in scratchbox using the commond

[sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/kernel-2.6.32] > make rm581_defconfig

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