thanks for ettercap much appreciated. I have one good notice and a bad one: first the good: Our beloved N9 network card support promiscous mode i have sniffing with the version of ettercap nieldk compiled and works pretty stable and fast, at least works much better ettercap do on N900. the "only" problem is plugins dont work i have tried autoadd plugin and it doesn't activate. this is major problem because without the autoadd plugin you can't be sure you are poison all the network, all new ip with enter the network will escape from the MITM attack. - I installed succesfully sslstrip on the N9... but here the BAD NEWS when i try to set the iptables to work ettercap with sslstrip i get the following error: /sbin # ./iptables - t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 10000 iptables v1.4.8: can't initialize iptables table 'nat' : Table does not exist ( dou you need to insmod?) Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded. very crucial problem if we can't make work iptables sslstrip don't work and without sslstrip, ettercap and dsniff serve for little.