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Originally Posted by szopin View Post
EDIT: As screen switching is not going to work based on the above posts, maybe hotkey would?

keystroke(control+right) = switchInDirection(right)
Great, thanks for this.
Using N900's keyboard for device without keyboard (e.g. N9):
N900 is acting as synergy-server
On n900, create file /etc/synergy.conf:
    section: screens

    section: links
            right = server-n900

            left = client-n9

    section: options
    screenSaverSync = false
    keystroke(control+q) = switchInDirection(left)
    keystroke(control+w) = switchInDirection(right)
This is working example file, it uses CTRL+q and CTRL+w for switching between devices. If you (and your devices and network) are fluent with ip-addresses and hostnames, you can use them instead of server-n900 and client-n9.

On n900 start server with command (installed from extras-devel)
synergys -f --name server-n900
-f means foreground, so you will see what is happening. If you make shortcut-icon, drop -f. This also explicitly uses same name than configure uses.

Then on N9 start client (downloaded from this thread)
synergyc -f --name client-n9 SERVER-IP-ADDRESS
IP-address (or working hostname) is needed.

CTRL+q will change focus to the N9. Then touchscreen of N9 works as expect, but touchscreen of N900 sends something to the N9 (=it can't be used for controlling any of the devices).

I don't have N9, so I made video with two N900's:

Keep in mind that synergy is using lot's of battery!

Last edited by AapoRantalainen; 2012-05-02 at 08:16. Reason: typo

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