phone screen technology pixel layout pixel density (ppi) Brightness (nits) contrast notes N900 transflective lcd stripe 267 257 349/1 you need far less brightness if screen is transflective because there is no need to out-do sunlight Galaxy S SAMOLED pentile 233 334 infinite N8 AMOLED CBD stripe 210 230 infinite you also need less brightness in AMOLED screens due to high contrast X7 AMOLED CBD stripe 184 630 infinite N9 AMOLED CBD pentile 251 596 infinite ability to have sleeping screen iPhone 4 IPS LCD stripe 326 571 1261/1 Galaxy SII SAMOLED+ stripe 217 301 infinite Motorola atrix LCD TFT pentile 275 365 719/1 E6 LCD TFT pentile 328 1004 905/1