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I made first testing how to run Mamo5 on N900 without closed source gles1 or gles2 (uninstalled both!).

I got it working. Desktop is very slow, but as you get some application running, it is normal speed (expect every dialogs are slow). Going to dashboard is slow. Slow means 5 seconds for any action.

Even there are packages to download and guide to use them: This is not really meant to be used, it is just first test.

Beware messing with hildon-desktop can trigger watchdog to reboot your phone (and can cause reboot loop).

Step 0
I tested this with starting flashing this

#upgrade to the PR.1.3.1
#not necessarily, but just showing my setup with every detail
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

#I installed these:
apt-get install openssh-server wget

#Step 1
#Download xserver-xomap package and install it
dpkg -i xserver-xomap_1.6.99.1-0osso20090208.108\+0m5_armel.deb

#Step 2
#Install software GL
#it installs also libosmesa6
apt-get install libgl1-mesa-swx11

#Step 3
#Download and install libclutter, which is compiled against GL, not GLES
dpkg -i libclutter-0.8-0_0.8.2-0maemo66\+0m5_armel.deb

#create symlink
#This is for hildon-desktop (it is looking clutter in old name)
#Alternative way is to rebuilt hildon-desktop (clutter-glx installed)
ln -s /usr/lib/

#Step 4
#Remove gles2
#It will remove these: libgles2-sgx-img libqt4-declarative libqt4-gui libqt4-maemo5 libqt4-multimedia libqt4-opengl libqt4-phonon libqt4-svg libqt4-webkit libqtm-bearer libqtm-contacts libqtm-messaging libqtm-multimedia libqtm-sensors libqtm-serviceframework libqtm-systeminfo libqtm-versit mp-fremantle-generic-pr qtm-maemo-metapackage

apt-get remove libgles2-sgx-img

#Step 5


For developer:

#Step 1
#Rebuild xserver-xomap
apt-get source xserver-xomap
Package: xserver-xomap (it is metapackage)
Remove dependencies: opengles-sgx-img-common, libgles2-sgx-img

#Step 2
#Rebuild libclutter
#You really need version clutter_0.8.2-0maemo66+0m5, if it downloads clutter-1.0, use

apt-get source libclutter-0.8-0
change debian/rules --with-flavour=glx

#Fix issue of matchbox
+ClutterActor * clutter_eglx_texture_pixmap_new (void)
+ return clutter_glx_texture_pixmap_new();

drop gles on dependency

#Testing new hildon-desktop on phone
flasher-3.5 --set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset

#If you have no-lifeguard-reset you can kill hildon-desktop
as root
killall hildon-desktop ; /etc/osso-af-init/ stop hildon-desktop /usr/bin/hildon-desktop
killall hildon-desktop ; /etc/osso-af-init/ stop hildon-desktop /usr/bin/hildon-desktop
killall hildon-desktop ; /etc/osso-af-init/ stop hildon-desktop /usr/bin/hildon-desktop
killall hildon-desktop ; /etc/osso-af-init/ stop hildon-desktop /usr/bin/hildon-desktop
killall hildon-desktop ; /etc/osso-af-init/ stop hildon-desktop /usr/bin/hildon-desktop
#And then start own version
(as user)
maemo-invoker ~/hildon-desktop.launch
Next we need hildon-desktop which is not using gl/gles (means clutter).
Possible way to continue:
a) fork hildon-desktop It is now part of CSSU and it is still developed, so forking would not be very wise.

b) fork clutter-0.8 and add option to not use gl/gles at all
This would be hard, because clutter is actually 'only' wrapper for openGL(ES).

c) create libfakeclutter
(clutter might be good starting point)
Library which is using some supported GUI-toolkit (QT/gtk/FLTK/X) but has function names clutter_actor_set_width and so on (only these needed what hildon-desktop is using).

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