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Originally Posted by Arie View Post
Judging by the fact that it's not a telepathy plugin, it's privacy is probably similar to official whatsapps. If it was a telepathy plugin we could use ssl or some form of encryption.
If wazapp use SSL won't be able to work with official whatsapps wich don't use it.

Privacy is a must for me. I like the Java whatsapp port for N900 because you can register with "any" phone number. And IMEI and contacts are added manually, because phone-book isn't synchronized (and sent to Whatsapp inc headquarters). I ask tgalal for add in a future an option to not synchronize phone-book but he haven't tell anything about it. I won't use wazapp until I have that option, altought most of my friends use whatsapp and pressure me to use it too.

Last edited by malkavian; 2012-05-02 at 15:52.

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