TheJason, Quick advice: use a powerful enough soldering iron (this was my first mistake) because a weak iron will just have all it's heat sucked out without being able to melt the solder on the joints. Another advice: you will have to cut part of the shielding away. If you use a tip that's thin enough to fit between the port and the shielding it will probably be to thin to properly heat the joints anyway - not enough heat transfer. Estel, Lazart and others who've successfully done this. I need help. Re-soldered the port today, but it acts wierd. Symptoms: - when plugged into the PC the screen lights up, but the mass storage vs pc suite mode dialog doesn't come up. - when plugging a wall charger in - it starts charging but disconnects by itself in 1-2 minutes. Then, without any interference, starts charging again, and so on. In about 10-15 minutes it disconnects/reconnects each 2-3 seconds. - tested the connections with a tester: first plugged a USB cable (for ease of access) and it shows me that the 3 pins that count each connects to only one pin at the other end - no bridging. The two data pins have no contact with the cable shielding (ground) and the +5v has about 10 ohms resistance towards ground. Also there's direct contact between two leftmost pins and base (see picture I'm very frustrated. I'm afraid that some components might have been damaged by heat during the operation. Has anybody encountered this? Any ideas why this might happen?