Thank you very much buddy, also when you get time can you please check on Route Info window after the route gets calculated , the text in the window get jumbled up due to too much data, it will help if we reduce the font size.
0.31.13: Left top corner in Options behaves as standard "task switcher". It may be a useful feature but the "back" button in About is blocked this way.
Also it jumps to South Atlantic Ocean for a second after startup
modrana still terminates if I leave it inactive for a while: Do you need a dump?
QtQuick is available by installing qtquickcompat, or it pretends to be.
Is it necessary to install CSSU to get modrana-qml working?
Could the Qt dependencies of Modrana be specified more clearly?
Which version of interface should be better for battery life - in case I need to travel for day or more, while electricity is scarce?
Some questions: the qml gui is not fully functional yet, right? And what about this error: "//usr/lib/qt4/imports/com/nokia/meego/PageStack.js:123: TypeError: Result of expression 'page' [undefined] is not an object."?