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Originally Posted by Maemomd View Post
It's unfortunate that a good OS will show up on such shoddy hardware provided by Samsung, the king of cheap plastics. To the OP, I tested out ICS, it is pretty nice, but I stay away from Android due to its laggyness and lack of good integration of services even at this stage of the game.

If I were to get a phone right now, it would still be an N9 due to price lowering...but if that is not an option, then you basically have 3 OS's to choose from. IOS is IOS, it can be nice at times. My mom can use it, b/c it is simple. Last is Windows phone. Test it out, see if you like. It's too bad there are not many viable OS's out right now. Would love to see a WebOS or new Maemo phone. Next phone I get will be a Blackberry 10 OS phone, the closest thing to MeeGo and WebOS. Tested out a playbook, loved the UI, but dev was minimal on it, hopefully it will take off; although Blackberry is MUCH worse shape then Nokia, which says a lot..

.Hardwarewise, if you can wait a little longer, Pureview tech is coming to Nokia windows phones, and Windows 8 is pretty killer for non-linux heads...but you will have to wait a little, b/c Lumias are non-upgradable to Windows for Lumia owners, but I could care less, since there is a certain Lumia troll on this forum who deserves this. So again, if you are not into tweaking or MeeGo as much, wait for Windows 8 or Blackberry 10. Both will be nice, and Nokia hardware is still tops in looks and quality compared to Samsung/Sony/Motorola crap. And Apple products are great to look at, but don't drop it, or it will shatter into millions of tiny glass pieces. Fun.
I definitely agree that Nokia hardware far exceed anything I've used from its competitors. It was almost enough to bring me to the Windows phones -- but I'm a Linux user on my desktop so that was pulling me away

I did have the opportunity to own one of the HP Touchpads for a bit (which ran WebOS). I have to admit that I really did enjoy WebOS -- the only reason I returned it was its poor hardware quality. If I could find a WebOS phone, that would be awesome!

I've never used Blackberry at all -- mainly because I've always heard you're pretty much married to Blackberry (the company). Maybe that's changed? Also, most of the Blackberry phones I've seen are littered with so many buttons it kind of loses that artistic design appeal that's blown up in the past several years.

Thanks for the good information! I'm definitely going to check out some of those ideas and you gave me some great things to ponder.