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Originally Posted by linux_author View Post
- which points out that many of the folks posting here:

1. are simply consumers and don't know about computers

2. if familiar with computers, don't know anything about Linux

3. aren't familiar with the limitations of a pda/tablet and aren't aware of the 'net resources available... to whit:


Small Sites

- a simple google search will bring up many such resources...

- and for those who aren't thrilled with their Nokia Linux-based handhelds, well, that's OK too... i wasn't thrilled with my Palm PDA, my Agenda PDA, my 3COM Audrey...

- but i *love* my n800 (and ordered a second for a backup)...

- don't like the Nokia? get a Windows-based handheld and you might be happier (but i'd be willing you won't have as much fun)...

My thoughts exactly... I never did expect a good user experience browsing sites designed for a screen 10 to 12 times the size of the Tablets.
Especially @ the typical speeds of a cell phone connection. When I'm near WiFi, I'm usually near a desktop computer. Besides, no matter what the resolution is of a small screen, it still is like looking at the world through a dang soda straw.

What I did expect and do enjoy is browsing the "small sites" that I used to view through a cell phones 2" screen. Or, having the tablet near by me at home so I can nab some reference info off the net without having to stop what I'm doing (vegging in front of the tube, prepping food in the kitchen, sitting on the porch enjoying the evening, or working on something in the garage) and walk to the desktop.

The same goes for traveling. I don't need or want to lug a laptop, extra battery, charging and connection cables with me on a trip.
One tablet, one charger is all I need.

However, like you, in order for this to work for me I had to do some work first by spending a day or two collecting bookmarks to small and useful sites.

Last edited by YoDude; 2008-01-08 at 01:09.