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Originally Posted by Moonshine View Post
Actually he's supposedly here to teach Nokia (and us all) a groundbreaking lesson:

"Make the software/hardware better and you'll sell more products and have less customer conflict."

Once Nokia sees this, they will stop creating all this trouble for themselves, and we'll have this thread to thank for it. An incrediably noble cause when you think about it!

Now if we only had a button to reward people for having an intuitive grasp of the obvious...
Good show, Moonshine. At least I don't push away people who don't know much about the subject. My N800 experience turned into a beta test. That's only because the product just doesn't provide me with the kind of reliability I need in the current state of IT2kx. So what if I posted my own experience. That's what this forum is for- to improve upon the device, it's software, and the general user experience. It also helps people to decide what to buy. How do you think I decided on getting an N800? Reading in forums like this beforehand, for about two weeks. I did get a physically defective example. But the rest of the mess I've spoke about is what made me reconsider and go back to a more familiar device. I'll bash myself in the head after using the tiny screen. The skin on my lips will be chewed to ground beef consistency, working with a blasted poor start menu and the stylus will be maddening. Pecking away woody-woodpecker style, how fun. But the device will work every time with better battery life and much smaller form factor. I know dozens of professional techs and still I am the one who buys gadgets most or first. My opinion is valuable to them and less inclined people alike. But the real fact is that those people wouldn't settle for the N800 either. The people who have seen the device surely love it's style and GUI, and that includes me. I'm not a N800 hater, regardless of what you think.

So your reasoning leads me to believe that the device is supposed to be marketed to hardcore Linux users? You'd have me and many other people asking ourselves that question.
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