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Originally Posted by misiak View Post
Ok, i've seen the other thread: where Creamy Goodness posts just additional kernel modules for installation, so I could in fact buid the kernel with additional modules and create a deb with only additional modules for someone (farfary, nieldk?) to test (if you know what you want to do, you will test yourselves, if not - I can think of some simple test cases). Could one of you post the modules which are already installed on device with stock kernel (or openmode kernel, doesn't matter I guess) or, in other words, output of
ls /lib/modules/current
I'll see what's already there and what else could be compiled. Or did anyone do that before (well, this idea sounds a bit easy to do, so maybe there is a package with additional kernel modules somewhere on TMO)?
Would definately test the iptables NAT (net filter) modules.
Also, a 'pwer kernel' should be patched to disable Aegis.
Diff to elimante Aegis aggressiveness is here:

Here is an output of the stock pr1.3 kernel modules.

/lib/modules/ $ ls
JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko     ip6_tables.ko            omap34xx_temp.ko
ad5807.ko                ip6table_filter.ko       omap_ssi.ko
ad58xx.ko                ip_tables.ko             omaplfb.ko
ads7846.ko               iptable_filter.ko        pcbc.ko
ak8974.ko                ipv6.ko                  phonet.ko
ak8975.ko                jbd.ko                   pn544.ko
apds990x.ko              jffs2.ko                 pn_pep.ko
as3645a.ko               leds-lp5521.ko           pvrsrvkm.ko
auth_rpcgss.ko           leds-lp5523.ko           radio-wl1273.ko
bcm4751-gps.ko           lis3lv02d.ko             ramzswap.ko
bhsfh.ko                 lis3lv02d_i2c.ko         rng-core.ko
bnep.ko                  lockd.ko                 rpcsec_gss_krb5.ko
bridgedriver.ko          mailbox.ko               scsi_mod.ko
cmt.ko                   mailbox_mach.ko          scsi_wait_scan.ko
cmt_speech.ko            modules.alias            sd_mod.ko
cryptodev.ko             modules.ccwmap           smiapp-power.ko
cryptoloop.ko            modules.dep              smiapp.ko
dm-crypt.ko              modules.ieee1394map      ssi_protocol.ko
dm-mod.ko                modules.inputmap         sunrpc.ko
ext2.ko                  modules.isapnpmap        twl4030-pwrbutton.ko
ext3.ko                  modules.ofmap            twl4030_keypad.ko
g_ether.ko               modules.pcimap           twl5031-aci.ko
g_file_storage.ko        modules.seriomap         vibra_spi.ko
g_ncm.ko                 modules.symbols          wl12xx.ko
g_nokia.ko               modules.usbmap           wl12xx_sdio.ko
g_softupd.ko             mtdconcat.ko             wl12xx_spi.ko
g_zero.ko                mtdswap.ko               xfrm6_mode_beet.ko
hci_h4p.ko               n_fbus.ko                xfrm6_mode_transport.ko
hid-twl4030-vibra.ko     nfnetlink.ko             xfrm6_mode_tunnel.ko
hidp.ko                  nfnetlink_log.ko         xt_IDLETIMER.ko
hsi_char.ko              nfs.ko                   xt_NFLOG.ko
iommu.ko                 omap-aes.ko              xt_RATEEST.ko
iommu2.ko                omap3-iommu.ko           xt_condition.ko
iovmm.ko                 omap3-isp.ko             xt_rateest.ko

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