I got this problem since my brother got his Galaxy Nexus Last Week, at first I thought it was caused by his device hogging the bandwith but after looking for a solution and trying different things (like manually setting the IP on device and router) this is what worked for me on PR 1.1: 1.- Delete the access point (the network connection for your WIFI) on your N9. 2.- Restart your router (only this time it will be necessary). 3.- Edit your Networks on N9, look for your SSID, use Easy Configuration, the One Click or One Button Option on both your Router and N9. 4.- Let the connection happen, it may take a while. For some reason this worked when manual config failed, I had never used this option before since I had no need for it. My guess for why other devices seem to work and N9 fails to connect is that it somehow gets stuck trying to get the last IP it had used, even when you manually configure another one, and the router trying to give it another one is what causes the error. At least this is what I could gather from the router logs. One last thing, I don't know if this matters or not but after I deleted my network connection I got the device to try and use another restricted Wifi network that appeared in my vicinity, just to see if that would clear the IP address thing and then I did the One Button setup from the router. Edit: I did this a week ago and have not had any more trouble nor had to restart my router since then, even if my brother is connected to the network.