Initial Note: VCMI is not designed to work for resolutions below 800x600 (like the N900's 800x480), because HOMM3 was neither. So running VCMI on the N900 is considered a hack and far from stable or playable. If you feel like you want to help improving this, have a look at the side-notes below. Current issues:VCMI is not installable from apt-get, as it fails due to a preinst-script (script is supposed to tell user about third party dependencies). VCMI is currently not working if ran from the Hildon icon. Run VCMI from command line only! Installation Instructions: If your installation was successful from the Hildond Application Manager (HAM), you may continue with step #3. Otherwise continue below. (You have to install from the Application Manager) - First open up a xterm from your application menu (X Terminal). Get root access ("sudo gainroot" or just "root") - If upgrading from a previous version, remove vcmi: Code: # apt-get remove vcmi vcmi-bin vcmi-data 1. Install VCMI from the extras/devel repository with apt-get: Code: # apt-get update # apt-get install vcmi 2. If you already had VCMI running before, you're done and should be able to run VCMI (vcmiclient). If this is your first setup, continue with step #3. 3. Install HOMM3 Complete (all addons) on Windows (or Wine). 4. Install WOG on the same machine. 5. Copy the following directories from the Windows Heroes 3 to your VCMI installation (/opt/vcmi/):HOMM3/Data/ HOMM3/Mp3/ HOMM3/Maps/ HOMM3/picsall/ You should now be able to run VCMI from the menu (new icon) or from xterm by typing "vcmiclient" and pressing enter. If you have a crash it's a good idea to run from xterm to see the error output and to be able to paste it here. Some further notes:On copying the Data directory from your Windows installation, there will already be a Data directory in /opt/vcmi/. Make sure the new Data directory is merged with the existing one. (The already existing one is from VCMI) The files from the vcmi-data package are from the VCMI release, so it is not the binary data from your HOMM3 installation. (they are automatically installed to /opt/vcmi/Data/ as described above) I can't help much on installing Heroes 3 and WOG. There should be plenty of sources regarding this in the wilderness of the Internet. To get some information about crashes, you should start vcmi from xterm. To do so, simply type "vcmiclient" and hit the enter key, as the binary is in /usr/bin/. All of you should take a look at and check out what is working and what is not. VCMI is not really playable yet, but if people help it may be playable in a not too far future. Help them get it to work properly (check you my signature).
# apt-get remove vcmi vcmi-bin vcmi-data
# apt-get update # apt-get install vcmi