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qwazix's Avatar
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So, let's play a game. We try to speculate the specs (I like that, speculate the specs) of the upcoming jolla phone. We start with 0 score. We are only allowed to speculate on countable or binary features, as many as we want.

Each spec guess earns the player 150 points
For every Mhz CPU cycles off the mark player loses 1 point.
For every CPU core off the mark player loses 100 points
For every 2MB of RAM off the mark player loses one point.
For every extra/less button on the front player loses 100 points
For every extra/less button on the side player loses 100 points
For every extra/less speaker player loses 300 points
For every extra/less microphone player loses 300 points
For every extra/less sensor player loses 50 points
Naming a specific sensor wrongly loses 400 points
Naming a specific antenna/comm wrongly costs 200 points
(antennas and comms include fm, cell, gps, glonass, lte, ir, nfc, bt etc.)
Every day that passes from the day the game starts costs the player 30 points.

When the actual phone is announced, we count our scores and the one with the most points wins the spec/spec 2012 badge to wear in his signature.

Here's what I'm saying in a spreadsheet. Before you start we can fine tune the scoring (spreadsheet is editable freely)
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