"FTR: After a factory reset of a N9 I got "Installatoin interrupted" errors when reactivating developer tools. Package "sdk-connectivity-tool" was broken. Fixed it by going to http://harmattan-dev.nokia.com/pool/...an-beta2/free/ and installing from there packages develsh, openssh and meego-terminal. After a reboot I could use the meego terminal to "ssh root@localhost" and "apt-get reinstall sdk-connectiy-tool", after that enabling developer thru the GUI" All credit goes to clbr on an IRC. http://mg.pov.lt/harmattan-irclog/%2...10-26.log.html I ended up hard resetting thinking it since I couldn't seem to resolve some repo settings or something I guess. Either way, I think I might have been successful if I had downloaded on the mobile network (like I did after the hard reset) and manually installing the apps like he said. I tried but it always said it couldn't get the dependencies.