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adelalgomai's Avatar
Posts: 54 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Oct 2011 @ Yemen
brothers lonk , and daperl :
you just waste your time ... iphones users will not listen to you because they don't want to listen ... they only love apple without noticeable reason . I think apple uses the black magic to makes people love thier devices, because I don't see anything in those devices that deserve the huge amount of money I have to pay, I can't understand what the benfit of getting an iphone ?? if I have to get another phone to use apps that n900 cannot support like tango ,I will buy android phone such as galaxy or htc ,, they're not better than N900 , but very much better than I phone ..
look at the big different between the first android version and the new 4.1 android ,, there are huge differents in options and look . but iphone is just the same boring options and look since the first iphone until now ..
why I have to spend more than $500 on a device that :
- didn't send anything by bluetooth while most of others can ? even if there are apps for that , but it's not free and not working like built-in sending .
- didn't have files and folders explorer .. and no usb mass-storage ability.
- no options for video rec resolution, specially when u have little space and u need long time rec .
- no hw keyboard with useful pc shortcut like (ctrl-a ctrl-c ctrl-v ) .. there is so different between (copy-paste-select) in iphone and simple kbd shortcut in N900 .
- no free useful apps ( all good and useful always not free )
- no radio receiver or transmitter ( some 2003 or oldest phones let u listen to fm radio , but the 2012 iphone doesn't ) .
- no real desktop apps like what we have in N900 .
- no simple AV out to use in all available TV on every house .. ( Iphone has AV out but u need the special cable that only work on iphone and u can see videos only so if u close the video the TV screen stop displaying , while N900 uses cable that many other cameras and devices use , and u get full view to see menus, browser net and games. even if u boot the phone u can see boot screen in the TV .. ).

ooh My God . I'm wasting my time too ^_^ . there many things i hate in Ishit and I need long time to write about them all..
what the people love in Ishit ??????
I don't know.

Last edited by adelalgomai; 2012-11-13 at 17:43.