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Originally Posted by HELLASISGREECE View Post
I can even control my games through the multitasking view in N900.
Nothing freezes whatsoever.

In N9 manys apps freeze when you put them at the background. (the clock, one of many examples)

**it could be the way the apps are writen and not the OS itself. If so, then yes I am mistaken!
you can observe, monitor, view (with a magnifier) but you can't "control" them, i.e. interact with them.

and yes, the fact that many apps freeze when switched to the background is a dev choice which allows to save battery.
even though games may not be developed with that in mind (always thought of it as ludicrous to install "games" on a mobile beyond Mah-jongg or minesweeper ) if memory serves well, the option to "freeze" an app when it goes in background is available on all Maamo devices.

many N9 apps go on running in the background (any command in a terminal window, web pages in browsers, music player and many more...)
information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...

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