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Originally Posted by madmo View Post
Ok, I got Bluetooth pan working on the n9.

Just remove network from the DisabledPlugins section in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf .

After that I got pan working with the script from the bluez repo and the script from another thread on

I have put all the files into this gist:

The last missing bit is ipt_MASQUARADE but as workaround we can use BlueVPN in conjunction with pan networking to workaround the Android online checks and the missing ipt_MASQUARADE on the N9.

Fully working Tether Nexus 7 <--> N9
Wow, we both got this far. I had contaced the bluez-users IRC group and found out this as well and was able to run the scripts, too. I then just found your post today as I was going to give an update.

Yes, the ipt_MASQUERADE is missing. I have been trying to compile the modules on my N950 for the past day. The modules compile, but they don't load (not sure why). My goal would be to take the exact kernel config from a stock N950 PR 1.2 or N9 PR 1.3 and be able to load the modules. I don't really want to screw with open mode. I've played with inception and it seems less intrusive. I'm going to try the inception + a new modules package that maybe would install/load with inception (I hope).

I'm not sure how aegis treats module files, but I hope this is doable.