thedead1440, tortoisedoc: That's why I mentioned Nemo as well, which can be perfectly used for prototyping and developing something that could be later switched to Sailfish as well. And for that the very same N9 is already usable. Surely there is "noise" around Jolla too, but my main point was not about the noise itself, but about the dispersing of resources. Of course anyone can work on anything they find interesting. I just commented that doing something for Nemo - helps the community for the future but also makes it more usable already now. Don't forget, Nemo as an OS will develop alongside Sailfish and if they won't eventually merge (like in case of Sailfish going 100% open), Nemo will remain the fully open choice for those who prefer such thing. So making it more mature (like filling in missing classes of applications there) is a good thing.