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Originally Posted by mick3_de View Post
I personally would vote for the startrek communicator badge as icon symbol but maybe you will run also in trouble with this.

For the conversation view I would rather use different colors for the voice input and for Saera's answers to make them better distinguishable. Or the messages could have prefixes as "Me:" and "Saera:" or even avatar/profile pics if you could train Saera to understand different speakers or have several voices in the future.

Maybe there exists already a conversation component in Qt/QML
you can reuse?

Regarding the saera voice have you tried flite for speech output? There was a N900 version some time ago. I think it sounds more natural than espeak as it's based on concatenation instead of formant synthesis.

Best, M.
I've been avoiding QML so far, as it requires even more of a complete restructure of the app than plain QT, but I realize that it won't really run natively on the N9 without it - so that's what I'm concentrating on now. I'm probably going to use two colors for the user and for Saera, and make them themeable.

I downloaded flite and gave it a try. On some words it is much better than espeak, but it seems to stumble over a lot of words that espeak has no problem with (suck as "Tokyo" and most numbers), and I think part of the problem is that it's sort of in the uncanny valley - because it's more human-like, it's flaws are more apparent. There is no flite package for the N9 as far as I can find, so since espeak is working on both platforms I'm considering that a low priority.

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