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Posts: 77 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Mar 2012 @ United Kingdom
Hi all, i find the nokia N9 speakers very poor, some may disagree but so i believe, Anyways, i remember samsung having this plug-in speaker (Samsung sound mate) for the samsung D500 i believe, and you would plug it into the Port and you would get Music from these external speakers.

I had an idea... Now i tried this and it seemed that when you get a phone call Nokia N9 rings both through the Speakers and Headphones.

so the Idea was... Why don't we get a speaker, which i took from a Nokia 5230 Nuron, Same design as the Nokia 5800,but 5800 has 2 speakers, Nuron has only 1 speaker -- speakers are pretty Loud and i thought, if i were to hook it up to the Headphone Jack, Maybe they will work, seeing the headphone jack provides about 2V ~ 7 - 20 mW** well they did not. I believe there is not enough power to power the speakers, Anyone have any suggestions, Keep in mind the aim was to have something small that will notify you of incoming calls, Just a volume boost.

I would love to hear your suggestions.

(The rectangle object is the speaker- High performance-- between a, AAA battery and a 1 pence coin.)

2nd image is the size next to the nokia N9
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A mans Dreams are limited only by his imagination

Last edited by Ashbeck; 2012-12-11 at 22:37.