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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
They had already said they will license the OS too others. So the UI will not be fully open.

Just tell how they make money on the OS if fully open :O Not even Google do that and they main bussiness is not OS. In Jolla case mainbussiness IS the OS.

If you can deliver a solution for making money on fully open sourced OS you should send it too Jolla I am sure they are intrested in that.

Too many people has no bussiness perspective in this forum and thinks like childs of fanatic Rickard Stallman.

Ofcourse as much as possible shall be open but fully open is just a just as a wet teenage dream.
They make the os fully open. Make money from devices, licences and third party apps. Operators and vendors will have to pay fro adjustments and configurations. Thye have patent the OS and the UI. Users can build on GUIs if they release without profit. The freedom openness will give them market share fast.YOU havent seen it before. Thats why its gonna work. Think bigger! Going in others footsteps will not get jolla anywhere. New models are needed!!!
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Last edited by Dave999; 2012-12-31 at 13:06.