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Originally Posted by zaidk9 View Post
@marxian can u give an option to download the youy
tube and vimeo file in 720p hd or 1080p hd cause that could be better and even cutetube isnt working
please add this option
and alll cloud service downloads are working fine
Added for the next release.

QDL now has a settings API that uses XML files to describe the settings for a plugin, e.g:

<settings title="YouTube" icon="youtube.jpg">
    <dict key="videoFormat" title="Video quality">{ "1080P": 37, "720P": 22, "480P": 35, "360P": 34, "Normal": 18 }</dict>
Accepted types are:
  • Group: Shows a separator with the group title.
  • Dict: Shows a selection item/dialog.
  • List: Same as dict.
  • Boolean: Shows a switch/checkbox.
  • Integer: Shows a slider.

QDL reads the XML file and creates the settings UI accordingly. No use to anybody right now, but it will be once I make the source available.

P.S. cuteTube should be working if you have the latest version installed (1.4.1 on Harmattan).
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