h Enable ROOT-SSH & HTTP share & FileBoxRoot. Options: 1. Enable ROOT-SSH Access 2. Add Root access to FileBox 3. Add Root access to FileCase 4. Remove Root access from FileBox 5. Remove Root access from FileCase 6. HTTP share - share your system files 7. Change password for ROOT & USER users Choose from 1 to 7 or both tweaks separated byone space: 1 sed: can't create temp file 'sshd_configomEOaA': Permission denied /opt/N9QTweak/Tweaks/TweakH: rivi 32: /etc/default/ssh: Permission denied You need to change password for ROOT & USER passwd: You may not view or modify password information for root. The password for user cannot be changed. You activated ROOT-SSH Access. Your setting will take effect after restart SSH or reboot. Press Enter key to restart SSH: initctl: Name "com.ubuntu.Upstart" does not exist Thanks for using my script ! Schturman