UI Concept - How a N9 user would have liked Sailfish to be like
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2013-01-13 , 13:04
Posts: 1,338 | Thanked: 1,055 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ California, USA / Jordan
I love it!!! If it has the same notification system as Harmattan too.. Oh that would be a dream come true...
Also, it would be awesome to borrow the same top bar (where the clock, signal status.. Etc) concept from Ubuntu Mobile.. (with only a long press), a short press would trigger the same drop down menu from Harmattan.
Also the main menu's icons are not so great, but that's easy to change.. But it brings up a question to my head, in ur concept, does allow for an easy theme change? Or is it like Sailfish with their "ambiance" change..
Last edited by bandora; 2013-01-13 at
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