Please try: Code: apt-get purge libwrt-api1 qtwrt wrt wrt-api wrt-api-experimental If that is blocked by more failed dependencies include those packages also in the removal command, but keep track of what will get removed. You might also use the more dangerous dpkg-method. Grab the package names Code: dpkg -l|grep experimental Then use this list for the next dpkg action Code: dpkg -r --force-depends PACKAGE_FROM_THE_LIST Later install qtwrt and clean up if necessary Code: apt-get install qtwrt apt-get install -f
apt-get purge libwrt-api1 qtwrt wrt wrt-api wrt-api-experimental
dpkg -l|grep experimental
dpkg -r --force-depends PACKAGE_FROM_THE_LIST
apt-get install qtwrt apt-get install -f