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Posts: 230 | Thanked: 302 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Helsinki, Suomi (Finland)

I fixed something like this (different file, but the same problem) after I had ariadne shell closed and had malf warning popping up on my screen.

I used aegisctl to enter permissive mode, edited the file back to what it was and used ageisctl to return to developer mode. Then IIRC I ran devel-su, ariadne sh and finally validator-init, aegis-loader and echo 1 > /sys/kernel/security/validator/flush after which the device returned to normal state and works fine till today.

Details are bit fuzzy in my head, so I'm not 100% sure about exact steps I took, but if you have no other options you might try something along those lines as last resort. Idea is to have the file in a state that it was, when refhashlist was last succesfully updated.

PS. If reflash is your only option and you want to avoid playing with refhashlist in the future I suggest you to flash to open mode.

Last edited by ladoga; 2013-02-07 at 18:14.