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Originally Posted by KTy View Post
Question from knotviker is if you use the stock cmaera driver but improve the uI ?
Or do you also use customized/new camera drivers ?

By the way, could you add an option I am dying to see on our camera: the ability to differentiate between point of focus and point of white balance ! Thanks!
Yes, it's built on top of all the existing components.
There are only 2 components which are closed:
1) libomap3camd Has all the algorithms and and does the actual image capture.
2) gst-gltexture sink which is the GStreamer component used for rendering.

Everything else beside the 2 above mentioned components is open
I am planning to create a similar open sink to be used for mer/nemo but hadn't had time for that yet.

I am not sure the lower levels support points of white balance as I am really limited by what is implemented by omap3camd

Originally Posted by lorenzo View Post
would be nice a faster burst shot (3-5 per second)
Yes I am planning to implement that but it will take a while.
The issue is: When I first planned camera+, I planned to have plugins. It's something I wanted to see in stock camera ui but didn't happen.
The idea was to provide the basic modes in the applications and let plugins define other capture modes (Panorama, HDR, burst capture, self timer, ...). Part of the plugins interface would be providing access to the actual viewfinder frames so plugins can do custom analysis and paint whatever on top of the viewfinder.

This work has not yet been started but I am sure I will start experimenting with it soon. Just stay tuned

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