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Originally Posted by Makeclick View Post
It is maybe only me, but I don't like what you are saing... Why you slam the Ubuntu and the Canonical so much? I personally love to use Ubuntu, very clean and nice OS. The Sailfish OS and the Ubuntu should not be at war! They are linux, so we need to pull the same rope! I personally like debian based distros more (.deb) and this is FOR ME maybe one big thing, why i may choose the Ubuntu phone over the Sailfish, but hey.. Don't you dare think i don't bye Jolla devise too!

Now i even use Google nexus 4 with android and i actually like the way 4.2.2 Android version + MiHome (miui launcher) working.
I like the Ubuntu touch phone thingy too but I have to admit that canonical is going down a dangerous path, it is promising everything and hasn't delievered nothing and I mean nothing. Firefox OS has already established carrier and manufacturer relations even Jolla has signed a Finish carrier and Chinese distributors, canonical has never mentioned any of this they just say that carrier will chose them because they are open, and because they are sick of android. Cannonical promised last year ubuntu tvs and still nothing the ubuntu touch preview was full of mockery icons pretending to be apps. At the time Canonical is the posterboy for linux in the eyes of the consumer and if all this truns out into a flop as I am afraid it will turn it will be twice as hard for other open linux based players to make it in the market. IMO they need to STFU work on whatever they're planning and then show us something ready.

Don't get me wrong by no means I am not saying that Jolla is better than them Jolla has a very childish and nerdish approach to how they speak about sailfish "it's so cool it boots an a raspberry pi" they pay people to get sailfish to boot on all kind of hardware, why they do that is beyond me. But at least they have been talking about one or two partners.

IMO FF OS is the most likely to succeed then tizen then sailfish and then ubuntu. My personal preference though would be Sailfish, ubuntu, FF OS (I put them before tizen because I trust mozilla way more than samsung) and the Tizen.

EDIT I forgot to write that mark shuttleworth needs to stop f##ingg trying to be steve jobs and be hes own person.

Last edited by Zoxir; 2013-03-05 at 23:42.