Right! My N900's watchdog is way too snappish for larger upgrades (even with using nice and ionice). Others seem to be more lucky. So I'd suggest to make a backup of your image/partition and try the dist-upgrade directly on device. Since at the moment the differences between testing and unstable are quite marginal due to the freeze it should work. If your device reboots nevertheless, try to do it on another computer (another armel-capable device without a watchdog would be ideal, but since I have none I use qemu). bug=696196[/url]
I tried version 22.x some time ago, but something is broken in chromium's armel/hf build. I filed a bug report [1], but since its severity is only "important" I expected that it won't be fixed during the Wheezy freeze. It might be helpful if somebody who has another armel/hf machine could reproduce the problem and add info to the bug report. [1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=696196