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Moderator | Posts: 6,215 | Thanked: 6,400 times | Joined on Nov 2011
Originally Posted by Artyom View Post
even if it's poor coded on android the galaxy s3 has 3 more cores to catch up unlike the iphone 4.
WTF??? You really mean that or are you just trolling now? At this point it feels like you need to brush up on your knowledge quite a bit before making such widely inaccurate statements.

Number of cores can't really compensate for poor coding! I can code a pos and 100 cores won't make it work if my software can't utilize anything properly. Also its a game; a poorer GPU would make a difference too!

Wikipedia has a nice explanation for you:
As Temple Run was originally released on a custom, flexible engine on the iOS platform, it had difficulties when ported to the Android, primarily because it utilized Unity game engine. The game frequently crashed on Android,[23][24] leading to generally unfavourable reviews.[8] The game still has issues on Android due to the Unity engine.[citation needed]

Last edited by thedead1440; 2013-03-16 at 16:09.