As i stated smoothness and speed makes ios better in user experience. and it does make difference when you use both operating systems at the same time for long terms.
Most people prefer ios over android because its simply slaphappier than android.
Also idevices have a way better screen in than any android device in my opinion because it has high refresh rates and that makes the ui transitions, scrolling etc. very very solid. i also stated this before and hope that jolla uses similar screens.
i don't agree this im sorry. how does android get better in personalization?
The only place where android gets on top is that overclocking the device is easier and you can build custom roms and kernels which is unnecessary with those monster spec devices in my opinion.
jailbreaking definitely levels the competition.
so if your concern is bigger screens then you should use android but it doesn't make them any better in personalization.
it's a personal choice and i respect that. for me, screens that are bigger than 4.3" are unneeded unless you're using a tablet.
you can even turn the ipod touch into a phone with the help of jailbreak.
android has more apps and games than ios at the moment.
but today they even have high quality fart apps unlike android.
one more addition: try real racing 3 on the iphone 3gs or iphone 4 and then try it on a similar spec android device.
how do people manage to kill a battery that fast?
im not trying to convince anyone. if you're fine with android, you're fine. it's not my concern.
the device is not innovative for me but [the iPhone is]
it will probabbly sell just like galaxy s3 or maybe more. this is because samsung has increased it's brand awareness just as much as apple (imo it's becoming apple'ish) and normal users will buy it just because it's brand is samsung. they will probably use this awareness with selling their new tizen devices and they will sell well also. marketing rules. :/
does this mean they won't ship the exynos 5 version to the US? does anyone know anything about this?[/B]
if you have read a tiny bit of my posts you could see that i never praised anything about apple.
just tried to mention that ios is more optimized than android. so as meego!
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!