I've used both, I disagree. Ever since Android 4.0.3 (and higher) and devices with Dualcore A9's such as the Gnex v 4S.
No, its because people are taught the iPhone is the best phone, and all the marketing drives that point in.
Launchers, Widgets, Live and Interactive Wallpapers, Web Browsers, Different Keyboards, Themes, Gestures, Shortcuts, Alternate AppStores.... these are things you can do without r00t, right out of the box which iOS cannot. There's much more that doesn't even come to mind, and we take them for granted...
Overclocking is not a toy, its a solution to solve performance issues. A solution that wont work for Android, as performance issues (in new phones) are usually the result of the software (3rd party). Undervolting (and Govs) on the otherhand are a good solution to increasing battery life.
Custom ROMs are for "experts" to customize their operating system further. What you're forgetting, is that not only custom roms, android phones can have custom os's like: sdkAndroid, chroot Ubuntu, native Ubuntu, Ubuntu for Phone, FirefoxOS, WebOS, MeeGo, Tizen.
It does some things, but not most of them. Besides, jailbreaking is like a game of cat & mouse, sometimes you won't be able to do so for several months until a kernel bypass/exploit has been mapped.
I disagree. People shouldn't choose Android simply because a 4in equivalent isn't there. Android has lots of features that are useful for many people.
*SMH* Well, would you agree that a 4.5in device is better than a 4.3in device if both are the same in dimensions?
No you can't. You also need the hardware for it.
It doesn't. Apple AppStore has more titles. I find them as better quality too.... yet there's so many which are repetitions and merely Mobile Web Pages converted.
This point made laugh. And fart. And decide you were biased.
Native vs Emulated code. Customized vs Universal code. That's like asking which cake looks better, generic one that you bought from the supermarket or one that was custom made from a cake shop bakery.
People are using phones far more often then they used to. They prefer the experience with more radios/gadgets inside and a larger hidef screen. And for more power hungry tasks like Web browsing, Gaming and sometimes multitasking (listen to music, while reading news/puzzles). That's why the puny ~1,200mAh battery which was "heaps" is literally nothing... the industry wants ~2,000mAh. And some OEMs putting even more to satisfy consumer demand.
It was merely the tone, and misinformation that depicts you on the contrary/
This is what I was trying to settle in my previous post.
This is because the US versions need different LTE bands, and they have CDMA frequencies. Internationally, a regular 3G on GSM is what people need. Besides, Qualcomm chips are cheaper for Samsung to push out... especially since USA (one of the bigger markets) tends to buy them from Samsung at subsidized prices.
Not really, you've been talking it up while trying to bring down Android whenever possible.
The optimization MeeGo does cannot be compared to iOS. Ofcourse iOS (3rd party apps) are going to be more optimized... they're written to the specifications of the device. Unlike Android where they have to be as broad as possible to ensure functionality between greater number of devices. Hence, writing for iOS is more simple. Even simpler in the case of the N9.
My question is which android phone can run MeeGo? Really interested to know it as I would like to check how it responds to better hardware. Cheers