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Originally Posted by kumary View Post
@Kangal I am not taking side but it seems you are getting to much into Android vs Apple war... Why?

To be clear on what basis I am saying so. You have ignored my post where I am asking about meego running on android phone. Its OK you don't have time or not feel like replying to that but hey you have posted such long replies Artyom and this thread is now a place to discuss which is better Apple or Android instead being about Galaxy S4.

Please can you both leave this and discuss S4 in more detail as that will help in making this thread helpful for community.

Ok, sorry about that I saw it but I forgot to reply to it (not that I didn't have time).

Firstly, its not even worth making a point that Android devices run MeeGo.. simply because the MeeGo that people concentrate on is the original open-source one (v1.2). The reason I say this is because this version is the last update we received, afterwards they didn't release the rest (I know they're holding back code) and the project was abandoned by Nokia and Intel. So you could say this is MeeGo in its alpha stage (pretty bloody impressive for an alpha!!).

Nonetheless, this is NOT the build found in the Nokia N9.
The N9 has Maemo 6 (codename Harmattan), its not MeeGo despite the label.
It's like* "halfway" between Maemo 5 (N900) and true MeeGo (v1.2). Similar to comparing Android versions from 2.3.7 to Android 4.0.0. Harmattan has some sources, but it isn't open-source, so we can't actually port it to other devices.

However, what we do have are similar open-source projects such as Mer, Plasma Active, and openSUSE ARM (I'm not sure how community friendly Jolla's SailfishOS is going to be). They're all on-hold or moving at a glacial speed. These projects can be ported, yet they lack support which is why you barely see them being ported.

Anyways here's some Android devices which have MeeGo ports:
The Beast (HTC HD2)
Nexus One
The Gigangantic Streak
Original Tablet 7in
Advent Vegeta Super Saiyan
Viewsonic GTab
Nexus S
etc etc etc.

Obviously some are unfinished projects, and could be hard to Google. I suggest stalking these threads:

As for your other comment, I haven't stepped in the Android v Apple debate.
They both are great in their own ways, and they both suck in their own ways. I simply tried to clear up some misinformation and got flamed for it. I've left the discussion, I'm not sure if Artyom acknowledged anything I posted. Its clear he has a greater hatred for Android than iOS (and some of it was misplaced).
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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I'm flattered

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