Well, I don't use OC, I don't use FasterN9, and still I find the performace good all the time regardless of uptimes... (well it's only 7 days now because I did some boot stuff back then... but generally I only boot my device when I need to change to different kernel/OS...) I do not think you need to boot your devices regularily to have good performance. If that's required, then you have misbehaving applications or you have yourself done some tuning of the device that has turned sour.
I thought the whole idea of swapping is to put the less used memory blocks out of the way but have them ready when needed. Resetting the swap would mean that the next time the memory block is needed, it will have to be reinitialized again which is slower than fetching it from the swap. It is true that the swap space may become fragmented in which case a reset may help a little but you will get a better performance boost by closing applications to reduce the absolute memory usage. Have you found this? http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=84007
You can reset the swap by running (as root) Code: swapoff -a swapon -a I won't recommend it though. I don't have an N9, but on my N900 this takes a LONG time (minutes) and results in some background tasks forcibly closed as they can't allocate memory while the swap is off.
swapoff -a swapon -a