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QmlMozBrowser is Qt based Fennec (Firefox) - IPCLiteAPI build for Harmattan with fancy overlay UI

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To get overlay menu do long tap

QmlMozBrowser v0.1.6.4
+ Added searching text on page
* Fixed saving user agent
* Minor fixies

+ Added One-Touch-UI overlay. You can enable it in settings.
+ Added text selection and copying to clipboard
+ Added startup splashscreen
* Fixed multiple opening windows with same url.
+ Added search engines: Google, Bing, Yahoo
* Fixed History. Only current week history showing after opening history page. Older entries are showed while scrolling history.
* Fixed address line dissapear while page loading
* Fixed context menu behaviour
* Various engile and application components fixies and improvements.

Hotfix v0.1.5.4:
* fixed install scripts to make app installable on stock firmware
* removed search keyword settings. engine migrating to new api, i have no time to implement necessary changes now

Changes v0.1.5:
+ Bookmarks
+ Main page
+ Search engine select
+ Font reflow on zoom
+ Scroll axis locking (inspired by stock browser)
+ Settings for LongTap delay and sensivity
+ Singleton launch, passing links to existing instance
* Behaviour changes (zoom, input, scroll)
* QML changes
* Engine changes

Changes v0.1.3:
- Download manager
- History
- Address bar filling and recent sites
- Config manager inside settings
- Select lists works now
- File save, open dialogs
- Permission dialogs (access to GPS and so)
- Login info saving dialog
- Many UI changes

deb ./
N900: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle
Nemo/Sailfish: Firefox / Embedlite on Mer/Sailfish | rozhkov obs repository page
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Last edited by coderus; 2014-01-13 at 17:39. Reason: update

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