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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
What's with this obsession of people to have Android applications running on N9? Is it just some app envy, "I want to have 800000 applications for my device becuse my friends laugh at me"

If that's the reason, then it is totally wrong reason and the adjustment is needed in your head, not on the device.

If you really need to run android applications, you should run them in android device. What kind of applications you think are missing for Harmattan?
I'm not interested in running Android apps per se, however I do have an interest in the ability to run Android apps because:
a) I think it's cool hack,
b) As someone who prefers to carry around a GNU/Linux mobile computer, I am frustrated by the lack of choice when it comes to finding an N900 replacement (something with more RAM) and I think there could be some potential to disrupt Android dominance if it was made easy to run Android apps on a GNU/Linux OS. The big OEMs mostly choose to ship Android for it's app catalogue and are always looking to differentiate.

There was some build up prior to Phoenix International Communications' announcement from an HP employee who said to expect some "huge" webOS news. As a TouchPad owner I followed with interest only for it to end in disappointment. Closed solutions such as Alien Dalvik and OpenMobile's ACL are of little interest to me as they only serve to help a minority.

P.S. Couldn't OpenMobile come up with a better name? Linux already supports Access Control Lists!

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