Not been living under a salt mine, no. but 5-6 of my friends and close family have been diagnosed with cancer in the past 3years, some of them passed away, the others I see suffering, its sad. I've not experienced this before. I don't see sparrows anymore, there used to be so many of them; I used to feed them rice grains. I'm not shouting, screaming or running away(where to?). keeps me wondering if its really worth it in the end. That's a completely different discussion tho. So yes, 1. Microwaving my wrist is my concern. 2. I hope the designers have considered the heating problem and how it will affect the user Much more than a conventional phone. I'm gonna remain skeptical.
Then, on top of that, there was the bird cage! ...fascination... There is something about the first sight of living objects hurtling through air that is incomparably startling.