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Originally Posted by Garrett_PL View Post
Well I had the same two white spots on my 1th N900, after few months the display was gone. The housing was brand new, and the sticker under battery also was saying "MADE IN FINLAND". IMEI number was correct, and so on. But the sticker was like some kid stick it there, and it was diferent to stickers on rest of my devives (one I currently own, and one I sold here on TMO - history of those was clear and true "Made in Korea" used for few hours).
So the one from "FINLAND" had 300+ hours of talk time - imagine that (and where is using / playing if You wish, time).

You have to know, that all "china new" devices are geniuine (I'm not saying anything about funny fake things that only looks like N900 and You'll know they are fake from first boot up), but all of them are refurbished devices with houndreds hours of using behind, or for example minor faults that had been repaired. The whole housing is new, most good quality, or even the same quality as geniuine product.

There is no point in comparing speed, parts, etc. As both Your devices are Nokia's products. The only thing is, one of them was nearly dead, and had whole hosing changed + mayby mUSB reinforced / repaired.

Best way to find out, what's the story behind is scan it with Phoenix sw. Then You will find out few interesting things - like life timer (which can not be changed, and it's counting from new).
Looking Here:

286:49:05 CALLS ALL

Product type RX-51
MCU SW version RX-51_21.2011.38.1 V 0.0.000 RX-51 (c) NOKIA
APE SW Core version Nokia N900 (RX-51 rev 2101) Maemo 5 (21.2011.38.1) Linux version Product 0595421A
Production serial number MUM4XXXXX
Product code 059xxxxx
Module code 020xxxxx
Basic production code
Product specific data 10 24 0 0 0
Default SN type 0
CS type
HW version 2101
APE HW version RX-51 rev 2101
RFIC version |Vapaus_5.1 | Aura_?.?
DSP version ICPR82_10w08
Bootcode version 1.4.14
APE Variant version 0595421A
APE Test version RX-51_2009SE_21.2011.38-1_PR_MR0
Retu version 34
Tahvo version 00
Content Version HardDisk Drive RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA
MCU checksum 01 05 02
N900, 64gigas, xlv 250 - 805mhz, CSSU testing Kernel Power.

Last edited by mailcomx; 2013-06-27 at 19:15.