still, I can choose more items than I can carry, and overweight items are lost. May it be related to my savefile? Should I restart whole saga from book 1 again (*sigh*)?
1a. (new one) during combat in tournament, or equiped weapon isn't used to calculate result - rightly so, as we're using bow. Still, shield and mindblast are used here - this shouldn't be the case. For shield, it is obvious, and for mindblast, I don't think we're actually hurting our opponent physically by our mental powers, to lower his chances
1b. Also, the +3 weaponmastery skill is add to our combat skill. then, during roll, we see our rolled number +3. Is it correct? Isn't it resulting in having +3 bonus due to weapon-mastery doubled?
When you enter combat with a weapon you have mastered, you add 3 points to your COMBAT SKILL. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 3 to any number that you choose from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.
1c. Now, after tournament "battle", we're presented with two strange pop-up windows, with "done" button - one state "lonewolf 8", and another, "lonewolf 57". (numbers may wary, maybe they're related to results).
After closing both windows, we *still* can choose all 3 dialog options, i.e. decide if we won, opponent won, or there was a draw.
Window.MessageBox('', Window.GetLostEndurancePoints()); Window.MessageBox('', Window.GetEnemyLostEndurancePoints()); if (Window.GetLostEndurancePoints() >= 50){ Section.GetChoice(0).SetEnabled(true); Section.GetChoice(1).SetEnabled(false); Section.GetChoice(2).SetEnabled(false); }else if (Window.GetEnemyLostEndurancePoints >= 50){ Section.GetChoice(0).SetEnabled(false); Section.GetChoice(1).SetEnabled(true); Section.GetChoice(2).SetEnabled(false); }
2. Reported 0 base combat skill during fight wind undead spawn is still the case, it wasn't fixed.