sudo gainroot cp /usr/share/kernel-power-settings/dsp /home/user/coslp01.txt leafpad /home/user/coslp01.txt you see somthing like this: # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - CREATE A COPY OF IT FOR CUSTOMIZATION # minimum frequency to use MINFREQ=500 # maximum frequency to use MAXFREQ=900 # list of frequency configurations: each "frequency:volt,dsprate" FREQS="0:30,90 125:30,90 250:38,180 500:48,360 550:54,400 600:60,430 720:60,520 805:60,600 850:60,600 900:60,600 950:60,600 1000:60,600 1100:72,600 1150:72,600" SMARTREFLEX_VDD1=1 SMARTREFLEX_VDD2=1 GOVERNOR=ondemand UP_THRESHOLD=95 SAMPLING_RATE=300000 IGNORE_NICE_LOAD=0 POWERSAVE_BIAS=0 copy above settings in your coslp01.txt and then save from menu on leafpad open again x-terminal: sudo gainroot cp coslp01.txt /etc/default/kernel-power exit /usr/sbin/kernel-config load restart n900 done