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Posts: 132 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ Nairobi Kenya
Originally Posted by disappear View Post
Hi Freddie,on this way,every time when restart your n900,you shoud input that command again in x-termnal,only for that reason I post my instructions,or you must type:
/usr/sbin/kernel-config default dsp
And before start overclocking kenel-power-modules have a look here what asking you michaaa62
I have instald the KP Settings but hesitated to install the KP headers, modules, n the flasher since am not sure how the change from my current cssu3 kernel to KP51r1 myt turn out to be...
I cud't get KP52, maybe I'd not be having this issues now.

after doing the kernel settins, and editin n savin the .txt file for dsp, I reboot but still got issues runnin the target videos e.g., for the 800x450 flv-h264, the sound is faster than the picture. for a 1280x720, it shows the video n then hungs after like a minute, the the voice goes on well bt the video lags....

Cud I be overstretchin the fon or do yu think I need some mor editn? pls assist