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Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
Look at the stock chart. Kept sliding down and down. Investors didnt buy it. Maybe few people believed in Meego dream, no one else did. I think that they had important components, but no leadership to unite it. the stock chart shows that there was n confidenc in Nokia for many years.
Agreed on the missing leadership; which most likely was due to Nokia's unresponsiveness in the project management side of things.

Stock chart is one side of the story; sales numbers the other; and they were showing that nokia was going strong (back in 2010).

I cannot in all honesty find a reason for MeeGo *not* to have been an instant success; it was the iOS-non-clone-clone.
The reason why it failed? The sabotage (by E/Flop).
Remember, they did not market the N9 *at all*. They had to kill it to make sure it would NOT get sold!

Originally Posted by Lumiaman View Post
Looks like Blackberry is heading the way of Nokia....
Blackberry is the next palm. Period.
They have even less activity on BB10 than N9.

EDIT : The proof that MeeGo could have been a success is right before our eyes (even tho we can't see it properly), and it is represented by the fact that not *once* Nokia gave a correct number of sold N9's. If it would have been a failure, I would not see any reason for them to report it immediatly and can the whole thing publically. Which in turn brings us back to the sales numbers; and a good reason to hide them : keep on dropping Nokia stock so that MS can buy it for cheap.

Sometimes I am wondering if this was just some kind of masterplan to get rid of Symbian and all the Symbian devs (with respect for them).

EDIT 2: or perhaps the explanation is much simpler and the current situation is just the consequence of two mistakes:
a) the meego mismanagement
b) the idiotic decision not to point strategically on MeeGo once it was ready but to go with WinPhone.
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Last edited by tortoisedoc; 2013-09-05 at 07:39.

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