Faaaaark, that's ****, @4.5" I was hoping for 720p, if it was still 3.9" or even 4.1" qHD would be okay. Everything else is "acceptable", but that display tips this ph over the edge of being unacceptable for me. And the RAM is crap too, should be 2GB, N9 was very generous in this area, despite being avg (to below avg) in most others. The "Other Half capabilities better offer true hw augmentation or I'm walking, so pissed right now... *EDIT* Oh ****ing great, I'm now just reading how gloriously hobbled TOH interface is too, ****ing wonderful. This phone just moved waaaaay down my shopping list, I'll still get one, but a little piece of hope inside me died. This project's longer-term viability just took massive hit....
Found this link from a finnish forum: Texas Instruments announces first QWERTY-capable I2C Not directly usable, but at least HW KB should be possible with that interface.