Now this is something I don't get... Why are you bitching about the resolution vs. screen size, I mean why would you find the same absolute pixel count better on a smaller screen, and not good on a 4.5" screen?
I think 4.5" is just about snap the right size, even if bit on the largish side and resolution is better than on my N9 which is pretty good for me
I'd worry more about the display technology, colour brightness and purity, and the screen coating. (which all we don't know anything about yet)
Again, it's exactly the same amount as I have on my N9, which is just perfect
No, I am very impressed really now. The extension bus being i2c, that's just wonderful. When you compare USB2 vs. i2C the USB wins only on mass transfer speed. i2c is so much more versatile, it can handle stuff better on the lower layer and it is really simple to interface with own projects... this is truly a winner here. And both power in and power out connections on the OH interface, just wonderful!