Yes. And DM3730 has definitely faster RAM interface and needs faster RAM than OMAP3530 in N900. I will try to get bogomips from some linux system booting on GTA04@1GHz. Or you ask aunt google, there must be ~2.3 zillion reports and tests out there answering that question. : also: DSP: 520MHz vs 800MHz POWERVR SGX™ Graphics Accelerator (OMAP3530 Device Only) Tile Based Architecture delivering 10 MPoly/sec vs POWER SGX™ Graphics Accelerator (DM3730 only) Tile Based Acrchitecture Delivering up to 20 MPoly/sec H.264-MP/HP And please don't turn this thread into a discussion about processors (multicore, other architectures, whatever). The DM3730 is FIXED, we won't consider using a different chip. Thanks for keeping noise about multicore and whatnot out of this thread. About all the other questions in post above: they are basically all answered in post#1 - we stay compatible to N900, feature wise and mech-spec wise. Also see GTA04 specs and manual.