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Originally Posted by GrimyHR View Post
i hope its not the same dsp as one in n900 and n9

so, not a rant, just something i need to know as a potential buyer, 700€ is a lot of money and i need to be sure ill be getting a lot more than a little more ram
Neo900 is NOT about "a lot more than N900", and I hope very much that DSP is identical (or compatible) since otherwise we have NO DRIVERS for it and it won't be used at all under fremantle. All who hope for a device outperforming N9 or even higher spec'ed devices probably should look for sth different, Neo900 is not targeted at you as customers, you will be disappointed. Get a Lumia920 or a fruitPhone instead, please. Or one of the zillion Android devices which are definitely better hw and cheaper than Neo900 ever can get. Thanks!

PS: we have DOUBLE the RAM *) on ~20% faster memory bus, we have DOUBLE the CPU clock on a slightly better CPU, we have DOUBLE the GFX accel performance (20 instead of 10 megapolygons/s), we have MORE THAN DOUBLE the rootfs *) available since we add a 256 on top of ~240MB... If all that isn't good enough for you to replace your N900 then this isn't the project for you.
*) and each of those is completely free for _you_ to make use of it, since our OS is not doubling its resource requirements. Means: form 256MB RAM a maybe 100MB are free for apps to use them (rest for OS), form 512MB RAM there are 356MB free for apps, so 3.5 times as much as in N900. Same applies for rootfs.
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-09-24 at 22:25.

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