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Originally Posted by zod View Post
Not native N900 apps, but WebOS games via preenv. With little ram, cpu and gpu upgrade they probably will run very smoothly.
I guess those apps would at very least need proper input device supporting MT. We don't have *any* drivers for such a botched 4-wire based pseudo-MT, and afaik there are no such drivers anywhere yet, since in the end of the day it still remains a botch so no sane hw devel will support it in their platform and thus nobody had a platform to develop any such driver on it.
Bottom line: maybe we will add a few birdseeds (if it's only a few cent on BOM) to allow somebody developing a MT driver based on this very unique hw botch, but don't consider that any level of honest support from either hw or sw side.

[edit 2014-05-24] we (probably, as always) will support twopoint touch gesture recognition, for stuff like rotate and pinch

Last edited by joerg_rw; 2014-05-25 at 13:05.