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Posts: 31 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Apr 2006 @ Vilnius, Lithuania
Originally Posted by Demostenes
Yes, it could be. I have selected 'spanish' and yes, the decimal separator is comma (How do you have deduced that I am not english? My fluent english, maybe? )
No, just a lucky guess, and some problems I've encoutered with Gnumeric in the Lithuanian locale (which also uses ',' as a decimal separator).

Originally Posted by Demostenes
Really is 'c' funtion 'atof' in linux language dependant? I have been a windows/dos programmer for long time and never base functions in c have been language dependant. If that's true, I have to take care for future developments in linux .
It is not Linux-specific, the ANSI C standard says atof and strtod use the locale-dependent decimal point. However you will not notice that if your program does not explicitly call setlocale.